Include a Charity Week
Include a Charity Week is a campaign organised by the Fundraising Institute of Australia held on 10-14 September. The campaign aims to provide resources to charities to promote bequests and raise awareness of bequests to charities when writing a will.
If you would like to find out about the events held during Include a Charity Week head over to the Fundraising Institute of Australia site.
Wendy Kearns of CLCRF will also be attending a Bequest masterclass on Tuesday 15 May as part of Include a Charity Week.
These are just some of the many ways that the CLCRF team are upskilling and increasing our effectiveness in raising funds for cancer research.
Consider making a bequest in your will to child cancer research through CLCRF. For more information as to how to make a bequest head over to ‘Leave a Bequest’ and download a free copy of our Bequest pamphlet.